Pengunjung Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Medan. Selasa 930/3) mendadak heboh. Bukan karena persidangan seperti yang lalu-lalu, tapi lantaran munculnya anak berumur 2 tahun. Disaksikan banyak orang, Adelia Yolanda Putri ‘berkelamin’ ganda. Yang satu normal sebagai layaknya kaum hawa, sedang ‘anu’ pria tumbuh di atas lubang duburnya. Anak pasangan suami istri, Abdul Rawih Saputra (32) dan Sapta Wardaningsih (21) itu diberi nama Adelia Yolanda Putri. Dia lahir tepat pada 17 Januari 2008 pukul 10.00 WIB dan tinggal di Jalan TB Simatupang, Gg Musholah, Kec Medan Sunggal, Medan. Kehadiran anak yang disebut-sebut berjenis kelamin ganda itu, mendadak membuat pengunjung Pengadilan Negeri Medan heboh. Apalagi setelah tahu, kedatangan Adelia bersama ibu dan adiknya, Firman yang masih berusia lima bulan, guna melihat bapaknya Abdul Rahim Saputra menjalani sidang dengan tuduhan pemerkosaan. Diungkap Ny Sapta, daging yang mirip kelamin pria yang ada di pantat anak perempuannya itu sudah bawaan sejak lahir. Lama kelamaan hingga Adelia berusia 2 tahun, daging yang timbul itu semakin memanjang, hingga menyerupai kelamin pria. “Saya sempat curiga juga, kami pikir jadi kelamin pria. Tapi, setelah diperiksa ke dokter sekira sebulan yang lalu. Kata dokter itu, daging yang tumbuh mirip kelamin pria itu jenis tumor jinak,” bebernya sembari memperlihatkan keanehan itu. Ujar ibu dua anak ini lagi, soal timbulnya daging mirip kelamin pria di pantat anaknya itu, tidak ada tanda-tanda yang ganjil semasa mengandung. Bahkan, kelahiran Adelia pun berlangsung dengan normal. “Usia kandungan genap 9 bulan hingga partus,” terangnya. Hanya saja seingat ibu bertubuh langsing ini, saat mengandung anak pertamanya itu. Suaminya, Abdul Rawih Saputra yang kesehariannya mencari nafkah sebagai supir di suatu perusahaan, menabrak kucing. ”Cuma itu saja seingat aku, yang lain gak ada bang,” ketusnya. Ditambahkan Sapta, munculnya daging panjang mirip kelamin pria yang melekat di pantat putrinya itu, sangat menyiksa keseharian Adelia. ”Hampir setiap malam anakku mengerang kesakitan. Soalnya, benda itu gatal dan perih dirasanya,” katanya. ”Kalau aku pegang-pegang, daging yang ada dipantatnya itu berdenyut-denyut bang. Jadi, anakku merasakan perih kesakitan dan sering kambuh pada malam hari,” sambung Sapta. Tak Ada Uang Buat Operasi Masih diungkap Sapta, dia sangat berniat mengobati penderitaan anak sulungnya itu. Ia pun sempat berkonsultasi di klinik tak jauh dari rumahnya. Daging tumbuh yang mirip kelamin pria itu, diminta dokter untuk segera dibuang lewat jalan operasi. ”Kata dokter, biaya operasinya mahal, bisa sampai jutaan. Ya, karena gak ada uang dan tak ngerti lagi bagaimana cara mengobatinya, aku pun jadi pasrah saja,” ujarnya seraya mengeluh, penderitaannya semakin panjang, sejak 5 bulan yang lalu. Suaminya, Abdul Rowih Saputra ditangkap pihak kepolisian Polsek Sunggal dengan tuduhan pemerkosaan. ”Ya, terpaksa aku mencari uang sendiri untuk menafkahi kedua anakku. Hidup bersama dengan mertua dan jadi tukang cuci dan jadi pembantu di rumah orang,” ungkapnya sedih. ”Kalau ada dermawan yang prihatin dengan anakku, kami sangat berterimah kasih sekali,” harapnya. Soal suamiku, lanjut Sapta, sudah dua kali masuk penjara. Yang pertama, Abdul Rawih terpaksa menjalani hukuman di Rutan Tanjung Gusta selama 2 tahun, akibat laka lantas. ”Inilah yang kedua, sudah lima bulan di penjara dengan tuduhan pemerkosaan. Padahal, cewek yang digauli suamiku mereka melakukannya suka sama suka. Jadi, suamiku itu dijebak si cewek. Walaupun begitu, saya berharap suamiku hukumannya minta diringankanlah,” katanya memelas mengharapkan belas kasihan para penegak hukum di Pengadilan Negeri Medan. sumber:
Description: Anak Dua Tahun ‘Berkelamin’ Ganda, Mr. P diatas Pantat
Rating: 5.0
Reviewer: garry bale
ItemReviewed: Anak Dua Tahun ‘Berkelamin’ Ganda, Mr. P diatas Pantat
Di balik sikap temperamennya, Paulo Di Canio tetap diakui sebagai pemain dengan skill di atas rata-rata. Penyerang asal Italia ini selalu tampil impresif bersama West Ham United. Sayangnya, ia tak pernah dipanggil masuk timnas Azzurri. Ditengarai sifat temperamennya itu yang membuat pelatih-pelatih Italia enggan memanggilnya. Dino Zoff, mantan pelatih Azzurri, pernah berkata, “karena saya telah cukup punya masalah, saya tidak ingin menambahnya lagi.”
9. Jari Litmanen
The Flying Finn telah memenangkan beberapa gelar Liga Belanda bersama Ajax Amsterdam termasuk Liga Champions pada 1995 silam. Tak hanya itu, Litmanen juga menduduki peringkat 3 dalam voting Pemain Terbaik Eropa 1995. Karir gemilangnya terus berlanjut bersama Liverpool. Piala FA, Worthington Cup dan gelar UEFA Cup pernah dirasakannya bersama The Reds. Tapi di timnas, ikan besar di klub itu terlihat seperti ikan kecil. Alhasil bersama Finlandia, Litmanen selalu menemui kegagalan melaju ke Piala Dunia.
8. Matt Le Tissier
Tiga golnya saat timnas Inggris mengalahkan Rusia rupanya tak mampu membuat terkesan Glen Hoddle. Pelatih timnas Inggris ini tetap meninggalkan Le Tissier ke Piala Dunia 1998 Prancis. Namun, Hoddle pantas menyesal setelah Inggris tersingkir dalam drama adu penalti kontra Argentina. Pasalnya, Le Tiss dikenal sebagai eksekutor ulung yang dimiliki Inggris.
7. Bernd Schuster
Berbagai trofi juga telah dipersembahkan Bernd Schuster saat masih bermain untuk Barcelona dan Real Madrid. Termasuk saat merengkuh juara Euro 1980 bersama Jerman Barat. Tapi, perselisihannya dengan Asosiasi Sepakbola Jerman (DFB) saat itu membuatnya ditinggalkan di Piala Dunia 1982. Schuster mundur dari timnas saat usianya 24 tahun.
6. Ian Rush
Dialah salah satu putra terbaik Wales. Mesin gol Anfield ini dianggap menjadi salah satu striker menakutkan bersama Liverpool. Namun, sinar terang Rush akan meredup di timnas. Ian Rush seakan berjuang sendiri di timnas. Alhasil, Ian Rush tak pernah mencicipi Piala Dunia karena Wales selalu gagal lolos.
5. Eric Cantona
Siapa tak kenal Eric Cantona. Penyerang yang dikenal dengan tendangan kungfu ini menjadi nyawa permainan Manchester United saat itu. Sempat dipanggil ke timnas pada 1987, namun pelatih timnas Prancis saat itu Henri Michel berselisih dengannya. Michel sendiri akhirnya dipecat setelah Prancis gagal meraih tiket ke Piala Dunia 1990 Italia dan Amerika Serikat 1994. Sedangkan di Piala Dunia 1998, Cantona terganjal skorsing karena tendangan kungfu saat memperkuat MU.
4. George Weah
Saat membaca CV George Weah, tentu sederet prestasi dapat menunjukkan kehebatannya. Pemain Terbaik Eropa, tiga kali Pemain Terbaik Afrika, Pemain Terbaik Afrika Abad ini dan berbagai trofi bersama Paris Saint-Germain dan AC Milan. Weah juga tercatat sebagai top skorer Liga Champions pada 1994/1995. Namun di timnas Liberia, Weah seakan berjuang sendiri. Alhasil, Weah gagal beraksi di Piala Dunia 2002.
3. Ryan Giggs
Senasib dengan pendahulunya Ian Rush, Giggs bak matahari tertutup awan. Penampilan fantastisnya di Manchester United tak mampu mendongkrak timnas Wales yang saat itu memang bukan kekuatan sepakbola. Sempat ditawari timnas Inggris, Giggs lebih memilih tak merasakan Piala Dunia dibanding harus mengkhianti tanah leluhur.
2. Alfredo di Stefano
Tiga negara memperebutkan sosoknya. Ya, Alfredo di Stefano memang tercatat sebagai satu-satunya pemain yang memperkuat tiga negara yakni Argentina, Kolumbia atau Spanyol. Bersama Argentina, ia gagal tampil di Piala Dunia 1950 dan 1954. Sedangkan di PD 1958, timnas Spanyol gagal melaju. Di Piala Dunia Chile 1962, Alfredo di Stefano mengalami cedera.
1. George Best
Dunia mengakui jika Pele, Diego Maradona dan George Best menjadi tiga pemain terbaik yang pernah ada. Namun, nasib menyedihkan harus diterima George Best. Di saat nama besar Pele dan Maradona telah dikultuskan dengan gelar Piala Dunia, tidak dengan Best. Mantan gelandang serang Irlandia Utara ini tak bisa mengangkat negaranya di pentas dunia. Irlandia tak mampu lolos ke Piala Dunia 1982 di Spanyol. sumber:
Description: 10 pemain top dunia yang tidak pernah merasakan piala dunia
Rating: 5.0
Reviewer: garry bale
ItemReviewed: 10 pemain top dunia yang tidak pernah merasakan piala dunia
Konon museum ini mengoleksi segala hal yang berbentuk SEKS, dari patung2 erotis sampai aksesoris-aksesoris seputar seks seprti dildo, koleksi model penis dll... sumber :
Description: MUSEUM Paling MESUM Di Denmark
Rating: 5.0
Reviewer: garry bale
ItemReviewed: MUSEUM Paling MESUM Di Denmark
Electric pineapple it's a colour that came out on the island escape collection. I must admit electric pineapple is not my kind of colour but a friend of mine didn’t want it so she gave it to me instead of throwing it in the bin. Once I swatch the colour on my nails it kind of grow on me.
The shade is like an unusual yellow green colour. The formula is great very pigmented and the drying time is ok. For the picture I applied 2 coats. To me this is a great shade for spring and even summer. What do you think of the colour?
Description: China Glaze Electric Pineapple Swatch
Rating: 5.0
Reviewer: garry bale
ItemReviewed: China Glaze Electric Pineapple Swatch
No doubt about it, 2012 and doomsday prophecies are big nowadays. According to the Mayan Sounds like there’s quite a few ways we might catch it, but what are the chances that any of these things might actually happen? Of course, there is no way to prove that something won’t happen, but below are the top ten reasons why one would be ill-advised to believe the end is coming in 2012 or any other time soon. calendar, the world as we know it will end sometime around December 21st, 2012. Of course, if it doesn’t, that won’t mean we’ll be out of the woods. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ may return at any moment to destroy the armies of the Antichrist and reestablish his throne in Jerusalem, thereby ushering in a thousand years of peace. And if that doesn’t occur, there’s always the chance that the Mahdi will arise to institute a kingdom of justice and, alongside the returned Isa Al-Maseeh (Jesus), will fight against the Dajjal, the Antichrist of Islam. Then, of course, there’s always the chance that—at least according to the Hopi Indians—a blue star will suddenly appear in the sky to signal the start of a great atomic war which will destroy the white man and other ancient races.
10. Because a reversal of the magnetic poles would not be catastrophic.
It seems that every few hundred thousand years or so, the Earth’s magnetic field dwindles to practically nothing and then gradually reappears with the north and south poles flipped. Now this flipping of the magnetic poles—which appears to have last happened about 780,000 years ago—isn’t particularly dangerous, but this brief period—about a century or so in duration—of decreased magnetic fields could threaten life on the planet, for without magnetic protection, particle storms and cosmic rays from the sun, as well as even more energetic subatomic particles from deep space, would strike Earth’s atmosphere, eroding the already beleaguered ozone layer and causing all sorts of problems to both man and beast (especially among those creatures that navigate by magnetic reckoning). Further, scientists estimate that we are overdue for such an event and have also noticed that the strength of our magnetic field has decreased about 5 percent in the past century, possibly signaling that such an event may be in our immediate future—within a few centuries if not sooner. However, in being so gradual, should scientists in the future discover that such a shift is in the works, there should be plenty of time to take the necessary precautions to avoid the most destructive effects by moving underground or off planet, or perhaps strengthening the planet’s atmospheric defenses through the use of exotic, futuristic technologies. In any case, it isn’t something we need to worry about in the short term—though it could be a concern for those living a few hundred or even thousands of years from now.
9. An increase in sunspot activity in 2012 will not have any particularly detrimental effect on the planet.
As every schoolchild knows, our sun is constantly shooting gaseous plumes of white hot plasma thousands of miles into space which our atmosphere generously shields us from. Sometimes these plumes are much larger than normal, however, and are what we refer to as solar flares (more properly known as coronal mass ejections). Fortunately, these enormous magnetic outbursts that bombard Earth with a torrent of high-speed subatomic particles are also largely negated by the planet’s atmosphere and magnetic field, so we seldom feel the effects of these plasmic bursts, beyond creating havoc for ham-radio users and increasing the luminosity of the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. They are of concern mainly to space explorers, who really would have a problem if they are caught in orbit without suitable shelter when one of these things go off. The sun goes through a natural twenty-two year cycle when such storms increase significantly for a time before decreasing again. Such a period is scheduled to occur in 2012, which has some folks all atwitter. For those who are expecting the worst, it might be beneficial to realize that the sun reached similar period of solar activity in 1990, 1968, 1946, and it will again in 2034, 2056 and 2078. While these periods can produce large solar flares that can effect satellite communications and, in a worst-case scenario, adversely affect the flow of electrical energy through the power grids, it is unlikely to do more than produce some especially spectacular light shows in the northern skies and make people onboard the International Space Station a little nervous.
8. Because the poles cannot shift or the planet’s orbit be otherwise altered.
Some well-meaning but scientifically challenged individuals maintain that the planet’s physical poles are on the verge of reversing (that is, the planet is flipping over onto its top) or that gravitational forces from the other planets or from the galaxy itself could affect Earth’s orbit and, hence, dramatically alter its climate and environment. Fortunately, however, the gravitational forces that effect our planet and its place in the solar system are mandated by Newton’s laws of planetary mechanics and cannot be changed without some extremely rare (think one chance in ten billion over the next three billion years) and dramatic event taking place—such as a collision with a small moon or a massive black hole making its way through the solar system, both of which would be noted well in advance or whose effect would be so gradual as to take centuries to have any great impact. As far as we know, there are no such cosmic events known to be on the horizon—at least for the foreseeable future (and well beyond 2012).
7. Because Earth climate change is a gradual process and one easily adapted to.
Some take a more hand-on approach to the end, claiming that humanity will perish as a result of human-caused weather changes, which, it is claimed, will melt the polar ice caps, raise the ocean sea levels, and change weather patterns over large portions of the planet. Even if the science holds together, however—which many claim it does not—such a process would be felt over a period of years or even decades, giving human beings time to adapt to the changes (relocate, create shoreline reclamation technologies, etc.) It is even possible that a warmer planet might ultimately be beneficial by, for example, increasing arable land in Siberia and North America as the permafrost layer retreats northward. In any case, the year 2012 has no particular significance in regards to any Earth changes that may occur over the next few decades.
6. Because the people who suggest the end is coming don’t know what they’re talking about.
Unfortunately, human beings have a tendency to invest great authority in people who can convince them they are prophecy “experts” or have some sort of hidden knowledge others do not possess that allows them to read the future. Many of these people are sincere individuals who simply misinterpret ancient bible texts, while others are deluded crazies who only want to include others in their fantasy world. A few are even unscrupulous charlatans out to make a quick buck. The bottom line is, however, that nobody really knows what the future holds regardless of who they are or what methodology they use. There simply is no evidence that anyone has ever successfully prophesied some future event (beyond some short-term political or military events easily surmised by gauging current international trends) with anything approaching clarity or accuracy.
5. Because the Bible Code is a parlor trick.
Using a complex type of cryptographic code called Equidistant Letter Sequencing (ELS), journalist Michael Drosnin, author of The Bible Code, contends that one can find meaningful and related patterns of words and dates in close proximity to each other within the words of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament and the heart of the Jewish Torah) which would seem to go beyond mere chance. One of these, he says, suggests the planet will be struck by a comet in 2012, with all the unfortunate consequences that would entail. However, critics dismiss Drosnin’s methodology as little more than a parlor trick, demonstrating that meaningful words and phrases can be produced using his method on any similar sized manuscript. For example, Australian mathematician Brendan McKay, an ardent critic of Drosnin’s process, demonstrated that a computer search of Herman Melville’s nineteenth century classic Moby Dick found a number of meaningful phrases in close proximity to each other (specifically having to do with the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination in 1995), suggesting that just as the eyes can be tricked into seeing familiar faces in random patterns of light and shadow, so too can the mind be tricked into finding meaningful phrases in random collections of letters where none exists. And if that’s not enough, Drosnin has been proven wrong about other “significant events” he claims were contained in the Bible, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
4. Because the Earth isn’t that easy to destroy.
Sure, there are things that could do the planet in, but Earth is a lot hardier a place than many give it credit for. After all, it’s been here for four billion years now, had its clock repeated cleaned by asteroids and comets, endured climactic changes of biblical proportions, and even survived a collision with another planet that created our own moon, and yet it keeps on ticking. And you think a few melting ice caps and puny nuclear weapons are going to do it in? Please…
3. Because doomsday prophecies have consistently been proven wrong.
Literally hundreds of dates have been picked by various religious leaders and self-proclaimed prophets over the last two thousand years as being the end of the world and not a one of them has ever even come close to being accurate. So why do we believe these same people today when they tell us the end is coming in 2012 (or whenever they imagine it to be coming)? Listen, you wouldn’t believe your doctor if it has been repeatedly demonstrated that he has never once correctly diagnosed a patient, so why give these guys the benefit of a doubt?
2. Because Nostradamus never picked 2012 as the end date.
It has been popularly believed that Nostradamus, the famous sixteenth century French mystic, suggested the end would come in 2012, perfectly coinciding with the Mayan date, which, if true, would be very spooky indeed. However, in reading through Nostradamus’ many quatrains, nowhere does he specifically mention the year 2012 or even suggest that the end would come around that time. In fact, his predictions extend all the way to the year 3797, making it seem we have some time yet before the end is neigh. Additionally, his writings are so obscure as to make any interpretation little better than a guess. Most of them are likely referring to events that took place in his lifetime, with the rest being so vague that they can be made to fit any time frame the reader so desires.
1. Because the Mayans never claimed it would.
The Mayans had many calendars they used, one of which was known as the “long count” calendar, which measures very long periods of time. According to this calendar (which has been known to archeologists for decades, by the way) the Earth’s “fifth sun” would end at the Winter solstice, December 21, 2012, at which point a new, sixth 5,125-year cycle would begin. What significance this had to the Mayans is a source of some debate, but it is the general consensus that they did not attribute to it any catastrophic events. Most likely, they simply considered it a time for spiritual renewal or introspection, which doesn’t sound all that dangerous to me. The teaching that the Mayan’s believed it was the end of time, then, appears to be a largely westernized misreading (or deliberate misrepresentation) of the significance of the Mayan calendar and Mayan beliefs associated with it.
Description: Top 10 Reasons The World Won’t End on December 21, 2012
Rating: 5.0
Reviewer: garry bale
ItemReviewed: Top 10 Reasons The World Won’t End on December 21, 2012
Perut besar atau buncit bisa jadi karena tumpukan lemak yang ada di perut, atau otot perut yang tidak terlatih.
Tapi jepang punya cara unik untuk melatih otot perut supaya kencang dan hasilnya perut bisa mengecil. caranya gimana? mereka cuma pake sedotan! kok bisa?
Siapkan Sedotan
Potong 5 cm
Ratakan salah satu ujung sedotan
Tutup separuh lubang sedotan dengan selotip.
Mulut sedotan setelah tertutup selotip 1/2 bagian.
Tarik napas dalam-dalam, lalu tiup sedotan dengan kuat selama 5 detik
lakukan selama 3 menit per hari
Poinnya, meniup napas kuat-kuat selama 5 detik.
Beberapa orang yang melakukan selama 2 minggu hasilnya berbeda-beda, tetapi semuanya berhasil mengecilkan perut.
Menurut pakar, saatkita bernapas, otot perut lebih digunakan ketika mengeluarkan napas daripada menarik napas.
Dengan menggunakan sedotan yang ditutup separuh, efek penggunaan otot perut menjadi berlipat. Sumber:
Description: Cara orang Jepang mengecilkan perut dengan sedotan
Rating: 5.0
Reviewer: garry bale
ItemReviewed: Cara orang Jepang mengecilkan perut dengan sedotan